Friday, January 10, 2014

What is Hepatitis C+

Hepatitis C+ 

It is a common Disease in Asia now a days basically it is a virus that effect on human blood.
Hepatitis C is caused by infection with the hepatitis C virus. The hepatitis C virus is a single stranded, enveloped, positive sense RNA virus.
The virus can infect the person and may cause severe inflammation of the liver leading to severe liver damage and long term complications.
The infection usually begins in a gradual manner with vague symptoms like tiredness, loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, fever etc.

Slowly it may progress to jaundice in about 25% of patients. Of those infected nearly 40% recover fully and the rest become chronic carriers of the infection.

Of these nearly a third develops liver cirrhosis and of those with cirrhosis, up to 20% develop liver cancer.
Hepatitis Disease of the liver causing inflammation which can lead to scarring of the liver. C virus In medicine, a very simple microorganism that infects cells and may cause disease. Because viruses can multiply only inside infected cells, they are not considered to be alive.

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